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 24 Jun 2023 | 17:00-19:00

Entrance is free




In Zoie So's exploration of "The Advent of Artistic Materials," she focuses on the transformative power of various media to communicate ideas, emotions, and stories beyond traditional boundaries. By incorporating innovative materials, light, and technology into my work, and harnessing the potential of intelligent wearables, metamaterials, mechanoluminescence materials, and photonic memory cells, she aims to create a captivating interplay that invites audiences to engage more deeply with the art. This artistic evolution transcends conventional limitations, challenging perceptions and encouraging viewers to consider the intimate issues that arise from this ever-evolving landscape of artistic expression.


The emergence of unconventional mediums and cutting-edge material techniques not only enables groundbreaking artistic expression, but also fosters a deeper understanding of the world around us. By appreciating the hidden genius of the order of things through tools like scanning electron microscopes (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD) scans, and photoluminescent (PL) scans, we can be grateful for the intricate connections that govern our world. This exploration of material properties on a nano scale unveils new dimensions of artistic mediation and creativity, enhancing our ability to interact with and manipulate our surroundings.


Experimenting with these innovative materials and techniques leads us into a new creative frontier, celebrating the limitless potential of art and the boundless imagination of artists who constantly push the boundaries of their craft. Through this holistic journey, Zoie strives to uncover the connections between life, society, and nature, ultimately deepening our understanding of the complex relationship between art and the world in which we live.

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Installation View of 'The Advent of Artistic Materials' Photo by Norbert Francis Attard

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Zoie So, an artist with over 20 years of experience, specializes in innovative materials, light art, electronic art, and more, creating diverse sculptures, installations, and performances. She is a senior lecturer in Interactive Media at Hong Kong Baptist University. She holds an M.F.A. in Studio Arts (Open Media) from Concordia University, Montreal, and MSc in Materials Engineering and Nanotechnology from CityU HK. Zoie's works have been showcased internationally, and her projects have received patent and recognition, such as her City Fenestration installation, Photosynthesis in Motion public sculpture and Mediated Landscape video installation.

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